Past & Future of Capitalism - London Walk - Focillon Past & Future of Capitalism - London Walk | Focillon Humane ClubMade in Humane Club

Past & Future of Capitalism - London Walk

3 FEB 2023 Friday 08:30 Europe/London
Duration :
11 hour(s)
Where :
London, UK
London Tour
Block Pattern: Regular

About the tour

What is going on with Britain’s economy? What does today’s stagnation - others would say recession - say about global trade? Is something broken after three centuries of continuous growth? 

From dawn to dusk, we will dive into what our societies were before constant productivity improvements, and debate the values and governing principles our similarly stagnant era may draw inspiration from.

How? By engaging Humanities researchers, paintings, architectural designs, by analysing relevant datasets, by experiencing the places of yesteryear with the proper sort of beer in hand…

Walking, learning, meeting people with a passion. Hear hear.

Partners for the 2023 edition:

  • Oxford Professor Perry Gauci, whose research involves notably the mentalities of London merchants in the 17th/18th century.
  • Painter Felix Higham, a Royal Drawing School Graduate and a brillant artist
  • The Athenaeum Club, former home of Kipling, Darwin, Disraeli...
  • PhD student Nicholas Babbington, who focuses on Financial Discourse of the Late Eighteenth Century.
Felix Higham Instagram account


When: 3rd February 2023, Friday

Time: 8:30 AM

Walk Duration: Entire day

Dress: professional attire at the Athenaeum (jacket & tie, chic dress), umbrellas advised and good shoes. Casual for the rest.

Mobility: we will do a lot of walking, so unfortunately this event is for adults only.

Transport: all journeys will be made on foot. No metro. 

Cost: food-related costs and entrance to the Tate will not be paid for by Focillon - the rest should be completely free.  

Starting Point: Pimlico Fresh

End Point: Wapping Old Stairs restaurant Town of Ramsgate

For queries, contact:

Pictures will be taken during the whole day. Obviously, if we use these pictures for marketing purposes, we will not show your faces without your written consent.